Looking for God’s Provision
Little is much when God is in it
As I stood at my kitchen sink looking out the window, making pancakes for my family (feeling like the widow – using the last of the pancake mix….) a song came to mind. I heard the song over 20 years ago on the Haven of Rest radio program. The song encouraged my soul and reminded me to bring my little to God so that He can abundantly multiply it (two fish and five loaves of bread). The provision was that God planted that song in my heart and then used it in a time of need to encourage and speak to me.
In times of plenty, peace, freedom from storm or trial – when we are driving joyfully down the highways of life, those are the times to allow God to feed us through His word, songs, words of encouragement – learning about Him – so that in times of need (physical, spiritual, emotional) we have those deposits from which God can withdraw and use.
When everything is going right – that’s the most important time to build our faith and learn about God and His ways. Someday, we will need it.